Welcome to - Spineshatter EU
We are a raiding guild going all the way back to Dragon Soul in Cataclysm and reaching top 50 in the world during MoP. We have plenty of players with experience reaching back to Vanilla WoW and seasoned Private Classic server players. Having raided at world ranks in the low hundreds during Legion and BfA, is now taking on Classic with speed running as our primary focus. We also have multiple Rank 14's and get involved in various world PVP antics as well as world boss kills.
Currently raid Sundays from 19:30 Server Time. All raids are done with a fully world buffed speed clear mindset and we will speedrun twice every Darkmoon Faire.
We also host a more chill 2nd raid; Thursday 19:30
Clear Times:
Our Discord is private but if you know someone in Turtles, or feel like you should have our social role, contact @pewbs or @juleskurk here on discord or in-game.
Our application process is a simple interview where we get to know you and you us
We hope you will enjoy pumping with us!
Join our discord - https://discord.gg/8VtBE3MYcn
Turtles plays 1 times per week for a total of 3 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Sun | 18:30 | 3 hours |
Turtles is recruiting!
Raids, Social, PvP
What activities is Turtles recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Turtles?