- +75th Percentile
- +Top 25% of Players
- +Over a Range of 2 Weeks
- +Current Standings
- +Aggregate Using Per Second Amounts
- +Phase 1/2
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Boss | Item Level | Parses | Duration
| Deaths
| Damage Taken
Lucifron | 0 | 9,685 | 0:33 | 0 | 151,575 | 15,216 | 2,598 |
Magmadar | 0 | 9,933 | 0:48 | 0 | 55,900 | 17,131 | 1,987 |
Gehennas | 0 | 10,665 | 0:29 | 0 | 100,931 | 16,558 | 2,492 |
Garr | 0 | 10,646 | 0:49 | 0 | 151,598 | 14,809 | 2,177 |
Shazzrah | 0 | 10,597 | 0:23 | 0 | 48,502 | 15,253 | 3,411 |
Baron Geddon | 0 | 10,586 | 0:46 | 0 | 120,107 | 12,647 | 2,136 |
Sulfuron Harbinger | 0 | 10,488 | 0:50 | 0 | 108,104 | 14,998 | 2,418 |
Golemagg the Incinerator | 0 | 10,446 | 0:55 | 0 | 147,154 | 16,403 | 2,683 |
Majordomo Executus | 0 | 10,024 | 1:13 | 0 | 344,316 | 11,843 | 3,763 |
Ragnaros | 0 | 9,753 | 1:17 | 2 | 315,308 | 14,152 | 3,048 |